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January 25, 2008



In the same location?

mme snack

Oui my sour citrus ami, same spot.

Bret Thorn

What infamous Ferran Adria dinner?


On the weekend of Charlie Trotter's 20th anniversary, Trotter hosted a meal at Schwa in honor of Adria, Blumenthal and other luminaries--what made it infamous was that the restaurant closed the next day. It was an exciting meal and I'm glad the place has reopened.

Bruce F

The closing came as a big shock to his many fans; I guess the killer hours combined with his new son pushed him over the edge. The man is a huge talent and I'm looking forward to going back.

Here's a link to a story on Schwa's reopening in Time Out Chicago that you might like to read:


Bruce F

I'm an unpaid advocate, what else can I say?


mme snack

Au contraire, links to relevant stories are always appreciated. Merci bien.

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