A friend is heading to Tokyo next week. He does not speak Japanese, nor is he the type to go to Berlitz or listen to language lessons on his ipod. But he is the type who plans to have an Ido adventure and eat and shop. I can say from experience, Japanese is not one of those languages, like Spanish or French, where you can bluff your way through just by adding an accent or a couple le's and la's. My Lingolook Japan might be the thing for him. It's a small folio of flashcards with images and words to get you through your trip, petit enough for a purse or suit coat pocket. Given that his gaijin accent will likely have negative impact on what he means to say, the idea is to pull out the cards, point and say - moo sukoshi kudasai. Crystal clear. If the card thing is a bit too cute - there's an electronic version to download to various iphone and pda devices. Lingolook is also available in Chinese and French version. Sore ni shimas!