One of the things I enjoy most about my blog snack is the limitless un-editorialized space it provides at the slightest whim. It's nice to be able to tell people - say what you want, for as long as you want, and I can run the entire story sans edit. In this post, I give you an email from Ariane Daguin, founder and owner of D'Artagnan, purvey of foie gras and more recently, defender of Gotham's right to eat the fat liver.
Now to the email, unedited so that you can read, discuss and decide for yourself.
Your help is urgently needed BEFORE Tuesday to stop the ban of foie gras forever!
Alan Gerson, NYC downtown councilman, is introducing a ban on foie gras this week. To keep access to foie gras possible. please read the foie gras facts below and call, email, or fax your New York Councilman and all the New York State Legislators you know, to tell them to put a stop to the anti-foie gras campaign BEFORE Tuesday, November 28.
Contact your councilman today at
(This site allows you to look up your personal district representatives and get their email addresses and phone numbers.)
Contact Alan Gerson, email [email protected] today!
Legislative Office Address:
250 Broadway, 18th Floor
NY, NY 10007
Phone No.: (212) 788-7259
Fax No.: (212) 788-7727
You will find all the facts about foie gras and its production below for use in your communications.
Thank you very much for helping to fight those who want to make some of the best food in the world illegal.
More details and factoids from the email after the jump
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