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November 30, 2006



That really sucks... you should find out who the writer was and beat him silly...

mme snack

I blog to share, but why can't print media credit the blogs like any other source? Happens all the time, all over.


That's a bummer. I find that blogs are becoming a better and better place to find timely and accurate information. It's only going to get harder for tradition news media outlets to keep up. I love your blog, you really keep me up to date with what's going on in the city, especially in the area of restaurants. With that being said, I'm wondering if you ever post anything on deals or discounts for dining out in NYC. I've tried menupages, citysearch and restaurant.com and they just don't have what I'm looking for. Thanks!


Hey ctb1010 I just ate at Roy's. The food was fantastic as always (the sushi is amazing!), what made it particularly wonderful though was the deal that I got there via www.diningfever.com. Go to dining fever's website where you can print a coupon for 20% off of the food portion of your bill. I ate there with my Fiance, our bill was $96.00 with some wine and after the discount it came to $84.00, for a savings of $12.00! They have too many deals like this one to even mention check it out, they are much better than citysearch or restaurant.com Many other restaurants available as well!

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