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October 09, 2006


Julie O'Hara

That was really interesting. It's good to know that our top food journalists are an ethical bunch.

Lorin Gaudin

I won't write restaurant gossip. I recently lost a regular writing job because I refused to write a gossip piece that an editor insisted was supported but for which there was no sources, no confirmation, nothing provided. The gossip could have been detrimental to the subject business, the magazine and my reputation.


Nice piece. Delighted to hear that many writers/journalists practice their art with ethics and morals. Keep up the good work!

will goldfarb

great piece
keep up the good work
i particularly enjoyed peter elliot's no nonsense approach

johnny sunken sockets

Peter Elliott???? what an insipid douche bag wannabe!!! Boring and mediocre person with absolutely no detectable talent other than unheard slander or boring layered praise. That Sirio book was almost Pulitzer!

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