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July 31, 2006



Used to live 3 minutes away from SM airport. Typhoon is hardly world-class. The view of the runway is nice, but the food is mediocre pan-Asian food. Last time I ate there (in April), service was spotty as well. A few exotic items on the menu (such as crickets) aren't worth bothering to order. The bar is splendid, however, and always fun for a drink. Upstairs The Hump is indeed one of the best places for sushi in L.A. Don't order the specials without finding out the prices, as we once did, or your bill will exceed anything you could have imagined. We used to enjoy eating outside at The Hump, its tables perfectly poised high above mid-runway, and watching the Cessnas and executive jets take off at sunset is an experience without match in L.A. They aren't too eager about serving outdoors these days, which is a pity.

mme snack

Merci Steven for the review.

Felix Salmon

Was in Santa Monica last week, & heard great things about the Hump, but didn't manage to go. Probably just as well, given the reported prices. But by all accounts fabulous. Have never heard of Typhoon.

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